P1 meter - how to interpret values

Hi everyone,

For my friend, I just installed a P1 meter. He has solar panels, and I’m new to this.
Question is: how to interpret the values, and how to create a nice dashboard.


Problem is that I don’t know how to interpret the T1 and T2 values

  • P1 meter Active Power
  • P1 meter Active Power L1
  • P1 meter Total Power Export T1 → export of solar panels
  • P1 meter Total Power Export T2 → seems to be constant. Is this normal?
  • P1 meter Total Power Import T1 → both Import T1 and T2 are changing, Do I have to accumulate this?
  • P1 meter Total Power Import T2 → both Import T1 and T2 are changing

I also noticed some nice dashboards like this:

How can I accomplish this?

any help is appreciated
kind regards,

Hi Bart,

I have the same question do you found the answer allready or? do you speak dutch?



As far as I can see on my install, the T1 import is energy consumption on day tariff and the T2 import is the consumption on night tariff.
I assume the same principle goes for the export if you have solar panels installed (which I don’t have yet).

I am quite new here and I just installed P1 meter.
My interpretation of the figure is slightly different of your.
For me the "P1 meter Total Power Export T1 " is not the export of solar panels, it’s the export minus the auto consumption.
I do not see how the P1 meter could mesure the production of the solar panels…
For that, I guess the only solution is to get the data from the inverter.
Same for “T1 import is energy consumption on day tariff and the T2 import is the consumption on night tariff.”, for me it’s not the real consumption but only the quantitiy coming from your electricity provider, without the electricity produced by your panesl (or other)… Obviously during night it shoud be the same (unless your are producing your electricity with something else than PV).

Again I am new and not specialist…