P1 monitor hostname


I want to install P1 monitor as an intergration in HA.
It ask for a hostname what should i fill in?

You should fill in the hostname or ip address.

yes did fill in the ipadress of the RPI, Internet provider and Desktop however still got the error: cannot make connection

What integration exactly is this?

I think i know what i’m doing wrong.
I think i need 2 RPI.
One connected to the p1 port with p1monitor software
and one RPI with HA with P1monitor intergration.

i’m i correct?

Yes. Unless you use HassOS (or someone creates an add-on for the P1 monitor software) , everything can run on the same RPi, though.

I have HassOS and installed the P1monitor intergration however i need to provide an ip-adress (see my initial question).

I can’t figure out what ip-adress should fill in :frowning:

Where do you have the P1 Monitor software running? It is the IP address of that computer.

sorry this topic can be close. Not using P1monitor anymore