Hi, all!
I am playing with packages and !include
the the yaml file in ESPHome, but it seems I am missing something.
First I define common/sensor/wifi_signal.config.yaml
- platform: wifi_signal
name: ${friendly_name} WiFi signal
update_interval: 600s
Then I would reference this in the main configuration file, eg. /config/esphome/led_sofie_tak.yaml
- !include common/sensor/wifi_signal.config.yaml
- platform: dallas
name: ${sensor_temperatur}
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
index: 0
- offset: -3.7
I get this error when validating
Failed config
sensor.unknown: [source /config/esphome/led_sofie_tak.yaml:42]
Platform schemas must be key-value pairs.
- platform: uptime
name: LED Sofie tak Uptime
The packages reference:
wifi: !include common/wifi.yaml
validates OK, though
What am I missing here?