Packages automations show in automations but are not active (SOLVED)

I have start using packages and got it working.
But the automations from packages are shwoing greyed out in automations (see picture).
They do not run.

Is greyed out the normal behaviour?

in Packages the file 123test.yaml

  alias: test
  description: ''
    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: '30'
      hours: '*'
      minutes: '*'
  condition: []
    - type: toggle
      device_id: 27ca9f0e7508601df4c3fce669e87b56
      entity_id: switch.plug_3_on_off
      domain: switch
  mode: single

In configuration.yaml:

  packages: !include_dir_named packages

Typically greying simply means that you can’t change from the UI. You’ll see this when you create entities using YAML.

In the image , i can see that you haven’t switched on the automation. Are you not able to switch it on?

Also you action part in automation could be changed like this.

  alias: test
  description: ''
    - platform: time_pattern
      seconds: '30'
      hours: '*'
      minutes: '*'
  condition: []
    - service: switch.toggle
      data: {}
      entity_id: switch.plug_3_on_off
  mode: single
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no it normally doesn’t grey them out you just get a message if you try to edit it.

Have you tried reloading the automations?
If you click on the automation you should get a cog in top right click on cog… does it say entity can be deleted?

All mine are in packages exclusively.

Dunno why pen is greyed out on some of them but I can’t edit ANY of them in the GUI

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Normally the pen only shows if the automation has an id, otherwise it is greyed out. Even if it has an id, you still can’t edit it from the UI unless it is in automations.yaml in the root directory.

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Ah of course that’s it! Those ones have no ID and yeah… can’t edit any of them as I said anyway.

OK greyed out is the normal beheviour then. I knew they are no longer editable in the GUI. Would be nice if it could. After multiple restarts and tinkering they work now.