Page not up after reboot

I have problem after reboot 0.74.1.
After reboot no page up.
I see ip in my router so RPI is up.
I can’t connect via ssh.
After connect monitor to rpi i see HA logo but nothing up.
How can i enter into command line now to see logs or check docker?

I got the same problem since yesterday.
Just did a reboot and since then i cant access the webinterface.

This is a problem striking many this happened to myself also. I pulled the plug and put it back in and got access to the system again. You also won’t be able to reboot or upgrade due to this issue, I think ppl have solved this by downgrading before 0.73 (not really a solution) others have mentioned this is fixed with 0.74.2 I would suggest downgrading to earlier version and then upgrading to 0.74.2. This is of course you have checked your configuration is valid as this misconfiguration can cause a similar issue.

Config is valid because everything before reboot works. I don’t change anything. No upgrade anything or something.
Now i can’t downgrade because i can’t connect via ssh.