Page Unresponsive

Hi Everyone,

For some reason my HA installation is giving me issues since today.
When I open HA everything seems fine, I can go trough the different Lovelace dashboards or settings without any issue. But when I open for example the ESPHome page, HACS or Visual Code I get this “Page Unresponsive” error.
Anyone know what could trigger this errors?


When I close the webpage and reopen it … everything’s seems fine again until i open one of the pages earlier mentioned.

Home Assistant Core 2022.5.5
Home Assistant Supervisor 2022.05.2
Home Assistant OS 8.1
Kernel version 5.15.41
Agent version 1.2.1

It turns out it is google Chrome that is giving me problems …
Not sure what it exactly is … but Firefox or Edge seem to work fine.

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hey im having the same issue right now.
how did you solve it?

Do you use the bitwarden chrome extension? They just fixed a bug, which was causing me the same issue as the OP: Bitwarden Chrome extension update causes Home Assistant website to hang - #18 by kspearrin - Password Manager - Bitwarden Community Forums