Trying to work around the Hue App and pairing a friends of hue (4button) switch with Homeassistant and the connected Sky Connect Stick using ZHA but that obviously doesn’t work at all!?
Just got one, Lightbee (danish design), and also does not see any discovery.
Have you found any further details?
I found an older IKEA two-button (from their roller-curtain) that does show up and pairs easy, but the Lightbee does not show at all.
FYI, this is really asking the same as this other post even though it does not specifically mention ZGP (Zigbee Green Power) support:
You can submit a symbolic vote here to show interest for ZGP support in ZHA →
But in the end, Home Assistant need more volunteering Python developer(s) with interest in low-level Zigbee support to look at existing ZGP code pull request and open a new code pull request for the zigpy library (ZHA dependency) or create new code that is acceptable for merger:
PS: You might have many Zigbee Green Power (ZGP) devices, but statistically there are not many different ZGP devices on the market that are actually different products, (as most actually contain the same type of ZGP module made by EnOcean), however those available a relatively popular because of the “Friend of Hue” series as well as a few Philips Hue branded products that use the ZGP technology:
As mentioned by Hedda, they all rely on the same EnOcean switch. I use them through the hue bridge.
looks like they are supported in Zigbee2MQTT, with som restrictions on needed Hue bulbs for conversion.
Zigbee Green Power is supported also by Zigbee2MQTT and deCONZ/Phoscon as well, but it is not yet supported in Home Assistant’s own ZHA integration as no developer has implemented support for ZGP in the zigpy library as of yet.
As I undrrstand it, allZigbee gateways/hubs that support ZGP has the requirements that ZGP devices connect indirectly through other Zigbee 3.0 router devices which in turn act as repeaters to pass along ZGP messages, (those Zigbee routers do not really convert the ZGP messages, instead they just pass the messages along, so the Zigbee gateway/hub application still need to explicitly support ZGP).