Pairing Hank HKZW-SCN04

I am trying to include this device using ZWave-JS, The instructions say to press the Zbutton, what is the zbutton? If they are implying any button on the controller it doesn’t seem to work. Any ideas?`.

Its a long time ago I did pair my Hank buttons, but if I remember it correctly, its the one with the moon symbol.

I have four of those here, working fine for years now…

According to the top Amazon customer review and a Hubitat forum post it’s the center button.


Then my memory suffers some rusting already :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You are right, its the middle one, I found some of my notice’s :wink:

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Thanks, Something that could clearly be better called out in the instructions.

It’s the moon button

That’s no moon

I picked up two of these from Amazon and in trying to pair the first one, both securely and insecurely, I am not having any success. I’ve tried in the room I want to use the device as well as right next to my Z-wave dongle. No success anywhere.

Anyone have any tips for me?

Thanks in advance!

try factory reset, afbeelding

Thank you @BebeMischa that worked!

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