Pairing these lights with a smart switch

I recently saw this product that is basically two lights in 1 that says both are dimmable, and I was interested in if it would be possible to pair these with a smart switch? Would you basically need to treat them as two lights and so each ‘light’ needs its own switch?

Reason I’m interested: I have read that pairing smart bulbs with a smart switch is a Bad Idea. But I’m still interested in different temperatures of light for different times of day, and dimmable lights.

I am not super technically capable so please keep that in mind. (As in, I was able to set up my HA and I can use the GUI pretty well, and have watched videos for basics in adjusting a yaml file but I haven’t built my own ESPhome device or anything and am not an electrician).

You’d just need to set an automation to change the color temperature by toggling the relay every few second for example

It’s not, just get any switch that supports decoupled mode. The smart lights stays on/doesn’t get accidentally reset and you can do dimming/color change.

You’d just need to set an automation to change the color temperature by toggling the relay every few second for example

Sorry, toggling the relay? What’s a relay in this case?

It’s not, just get any switch that supports decoupled mode. The smart lights stays on/doesn’t get accidentally reset and you can do dimming/color change.

Thanks I’ll look into decoupled mode! I’m still interested in having dumber (cheaper) bulbs if I can find a way to have dimmable / different temperatures.

When pressing the button, it toggles the relay that switches the light on or off

Example is sonoff mini r4 or shelly that calls it ‘smart bulb mode’. However you can still enable that feature on any wifi switch that can be flashed with tasmota/esphome.

I think the only small issue would be getting the color temperature state with these kind of bulb if you don’t mind that

Oh ok that makes sense then. These lights say they’re already dimmable and seem to suggest using a series of flicking the switch to toggle night and day lights so I was worried trying to use a smart switch might confuse it.

Thank you very much for your insight!