Panasonic Aquarea Heat Pump integration

The Panasonic Aquarea are one of the best HeatPumps on the market and deserve to be supported in HA as they are frequently installed in high quality homes.

The current panasonic comfort cloud provides support only for air conditioners but doesn’t work with heat pumps. The original app and cloud are very primitive and slowly working.


I created an integration. Look at, I hope helps to you!

See details: GitHub - ronhks/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt: MQTT transfer layer for Panasonic Smart Cloud platform for manage the Aquarea device


Hello, can you help me with the aquarea wrapper? I dont know how it works. Do you have an instalation guide. I have copied and pasted All files into config/custom_components. And also add the Mqtt Integration into ha. I have also written all the commands into configurations.yaml but the sensors doesnt work. They doesnt show me any data.

I hope you can help me!
Best regards,


First of all:
To run the transformation layer (not integration, it will be done later) you can choose from two modes:

  1. Run as service
  1. Run as container - for example with docker.: from the github documentation
    $ docker run --name panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt -v HOST_OS_CONFIG_LOCATION/:/app/etc ronhks/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt
    or as daemon:
    $ docker run -d --name panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt -v HOST_OS_CONFIG_LOCATION/:/app/etc ronhks/panasonic-aquarea-smart-cloud-mqtt

When the service/container running, in MQTT server, you have to see the results. For example, with MQTT explorer it looks like this:

When it is done, in HA, the configuration looks like this under the switch section:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Panasonic Aquarea HEATING"
  command_topic: "aquarea/heat/operation/set"
  state_topic: "aquarea/heat/operation"
  qos: 1
  payload_on: "ON"
  payload_off: "OFF"
  state_on: "1"
  state_off: "0"
  retain: true
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Panasonic Aquarea HOW WATER"
  command_topic: "aquarea/water/operation/set"
  state_topic: "aquarea/water/operation"
  qos: 1
  payload_on: "ON"
  payload_off: "OFF"
  state_on: "1"
  state_off: "0"
  retain: true
- platform: mqtt
  name: "Panasonic Aquarea"
  command_topic: "aquarea/operation/set"
  state_topic: "aquarea/operation"
  qos: 1
  payload_on: "ON"
  payload_off: "OFF"
  state_on: "1"
  state_off: "0"
  retain: true

I hope these infos are helping!

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Hi! Thank you for your description. I’ll try and let you know if I made it with your instructions :slight_smile:



there is now a error message? Can you help me?

I’m using this program:


is you integration works with aquarea smart cloud or service cloud?

and when U plan to release a full HA integration, maby Hacs?

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actually where is config file location?

And which Panasonic Cloud service do you use? Panasonic Smart Cloud or Panasonic Service Cloud


Panasonic Smart Cloud

Abou the full HA integration: It depends on my free time. I planned to create it till the end of year.



i have both services. But I think Service Cloud would be better. Because there are more specific data.

Here are my Screenshot from Terminal

Config File:

thanks best regards

hmm, thats tricky.

BUT, previusly I couldn’ register to the service cloud, but actually I can! New dimensions :slight_smile:

So, I begin to work with it :slight_smile:

Back to your problem:
Do you have more than one device?


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That sounds fine :slight_smile:

No i have only one heat pump and only one cz-taw1 (wlan module).

Thanks for your help!
Best regards

Please Stay on a smart cloud. we need integration that allows communication as a user, not as an installer.

I will explain why, in the smart cloud we have the option of granting access to the installer for inspection. It is very important during the warranty period. All available integrations do not allow for cooperation with a smart cloud, providing the installer with an overview.

There is already a working integration using the service cloud (such as Aquarea2mqtt) and completely working off-line (such as Goheishamon), and there is no one like yours that works like the Aquarea application.

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Hello Zsolt,

do you already have updates?

thanks and best regards.


Sorry for late reply, but actually i didn’t get notifications from this site. I change the settings.

So, I will work with the Smart Cloud too, but later I think I will add the Service Cloud integration too.

Actually i don’t have a lot time, but i will put a logggin settings on it, to get more informations about your problem.

I will do it as soon as possible.


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I’ve been looking for Aquarea integration for a long time and I finally found it, thanks for the work done @ronhks.

I have the container running in docker and integrated the switches you shared and they work!!! But I have not managed to create a climate (or two, one for water and one for heating) and I do not know how I can change the temperature of the water or heating from Home Assistant, anyone has it? can you help me with it?

I would like to create a climate, but if not with being able to modify the temperatures by means of an input_number would be enough.

Thank you very much for your help.

Do you plan on adding more sensors to the integration (if its possible)?
I have created an installer user for my air to water Panasonic Heat pump ( From here a lot more information is available compared to the app (current, power, pump speed, temperature, history etc.)


First of all: thanks for your work @ronhks

After a while setting up the docker and configuring all the different switches and sensors, I have noticed that, right now, it works better for the water because it shows the sensor, but for the air, we don’t have the inside home temperature sensor in the mqtt.
For the air, I have configured a generic_thermostat with a broadlink temperature sensor, but it would be awesome if we can get, at least, the indoor temperature sensor from the Panasonic Aquarea.

Also, it will be awesome if you can explain how to change modes for the air or if there is a vaule in the mqtt that shows it.

If someone have issues configuring this in the config files in HA, this is my configuration:

At configuration.yaml I added:

mqtt: !include mqtts.yaml #this is a call for a file named mqtts.yaml

#This is for the air, not the water, but you can create another one for it changing values
  - platform: generic_thermostat
    name: "Aire acondicionado"
    heater: switch.aquarea_aire
    ac_mode: true
    target_sensor: sensor.broadlink_temperature #chage this for an indoor temperature sensor of your HA system

The mqtts.yaml file is like this:

  - name: "Aquarea - Temperatura Agua"
    state_topic: "aquarea/water/temp/now"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    icon: mdi:thermostat

  - name: "Aquarea - Temperatura Aire"
    state_topic: "aquarea/heat/temp/max"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    icon: mdi:thermostat

  - name: Aquarea - Temperatura Exterior
    state_topic: "aquarea/outdoor/temp/now"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    icon: mdi:home-circle-outline

  - name: "Aquarea - Aire"
    command_topic: "aquarea/heat/operation/set"
    state_topic: "aquarea/heat/operation"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    state_on: "1"
    state_off: "0"
    retain: true
    icon: mdi:air-conditioner

  - name: "Aquarea - Agua"
    command_topic: "aquarea/water/operation/set"
    state_topic: "aquarea/water/operation"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    state_on: "1"
    state_off: "0"
    retain: true
    icon: mdi:water-boiler

  - name: "Aquarea"
    command_topic: "aquarea/operation/set"
    state_topic: "aquarea/operation"
    qos: 1
    payload_on: "ON"
    payload_off: "OFF"
    state_on: "1"
    state_off: "0"
    retain: true
    icon: mdi:fridge-industrial # I set this icon because is the most similar to my machine
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First of all, I would like to congratulate @ronhks for a great job and the integration of Aquarea with HomeAssitant.

The above configuration.yaml examples from @ronhks and @fonso were very useful and everything works! Thanks guys.

I wanted to ask how to set the temperature using: /water/temp/set

water-temp-set aquarea

I didn’t see an example in this topic for this option, and I’d really like to see it. Unfortunately, I’m completely new and learning about HomeAssistant’s capabilities. Can I ask for an example using this /water/temp/set - maybe there is a thermostat in home assistant or something similar to control temperature using mqtt? Thanks for help

Hi there,
n00b question, please be gentle! :slight_smile:

After pulling the image to Docker Desktop in Windows, where can I find /etc/config.example for editing?
