Panasonic Comfort Cloud - update to v1.0.38

I have a Panasonic that I’m managing through Home Assistant with the Panasonic Comfort Cloud v1.0.37 which is working correctly. There was an update to v1.0.38 which is about authentication issue and I did install that on one of my Home Assistant. On that one, I’m unable to connect while, with version 1.0.37, I can still access the Comfort Cloud. So, I have two questions. Once updated to most recent version, is there a way in Home Assistant to get back to a previous version or to reinstall and force a specific version?

Second question is to know if version 1.0.38 is working for others. I don’t want to upgrade my only installation that is still working because I have no idea if I’ll be able to get it back to a working state and I really need it to have it working at all time.

Thank you.
