I am trying to use the Pandora component in conjunction with mkchromecast to cast to my home audio groups. However, after the initial songs plays, the component crashes. And I can’t play or skip any more. Has any one run into this problem? I am able to skip and listen via pianobar and command line, so I don’t believe it is pianobar
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I don’t have an answer to this but am EXTREMELY interested in seeing the resolution. I would LOVE to be bale to cast pandora to my groups via HASS. That’s the holy Music grail for me.
I would even take a solution involving a shell command to skip the next track (but it would be better if we could solve the non-responsive issue!)
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Are you on a Pi? ora full linux environment?
RPi3. I am able to get Pandora started via a shell_command (outside of the component, since Pianobar itself seems to function properly)
Edit: I was able to solve this by using shell_commands, pianobar, mkchromecast, and pianobar-control.