Paragliding Weather API into sensor - sharing for others to use and improvement!

While the overlap between paragliding and home assistant is probably small I thought I’d share a little viz I did, connecting the paraglidable API to a home assistant sensor. I am very new to HA and have done little with JSON so ideas on how to improve would be great - but it works :slight_smile:

The end result is a little widget that sits on top of my weather cards:

or a bigger version here

This corresponds to the paraglideable ‘can I fly’ metric provided by the API for a defined location (in the API - in my case near my house) i.e. 100% is a perfect day and 50% is marginal. The idea is that this sits on my HA wall panel and acts as a prompt to go and look at more info (and take the day off!)

I feel like I ought to be able to combine the sensors into a single chart - but this is beyond me if anyone has a steer on this part!

Step 1:
Create the API on the paraglideable website for the location you want - paraglideable provides in XML or JSON format. jsonpathfinder is very helpful for unpicking the template

Step 2:
Create rest sensors in home assistant.

Mine is setup so my config.yaml contains

sensor: !include sensor.yaml

And the sensors are then set up in sensor.yaml as shown below. There is one sensor each for today and the following 3 days


- platform: rest
  name: Paraglidable API Sensor Today
  value_template: "{{ (value_json[(as_timestamp(now())) | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d', true)][0] * 100) | round(0) }}"
    - date
    - forecast
    - name
  scan_interval: 300

And three with an offset to pick up the following days (repeated x 3 with the name and the offset (86400 in this example) changed :

- platform: rest
  name: Paraglidable API Sensor +1
  value_template: "{{ (value_json[(as_timestamp(now()) + 86400) | timestamp_custom('%Y-%m-%d', true)][0] * 100) | round(0) }}"
    - date
    - forecast
    - name
  scan_interval: 300

Step 3:
Create the lovelace card - I’ve used mushroom cards for this (which is excellent) and mushroom chips for the small version

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
secondary: '{{ states("sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today") }} %'
icon: |-
  {% if states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 90 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 80 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 70 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 60 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 50 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 40 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 30 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 20 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 10 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 0 %}
  {% else %}                                                              
  {% endif %}  
icon_color: |-
  {% if states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 90 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 80 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 70 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 60 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 50 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 40 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 30 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 20 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 10 %}
  {% elif states('sensor.paraglidable_api_sensor_today')|float(0) > 0 %}
  {% else %}                                                              
  {% endif %}   
layout: vertical
multiline_secondary: true
primary: ''

Next steps (if anyone has any bright ideas!) - would love to combine into a single sensor so i can show as a chart, or similar, rather than 4 sensors and 4 cards.

Hope someone finds this helpful!


This looks interesting and I’d like to do something similar in the UK. But I have no idea how to start.
Your step 1 has stumped me because I don’t know what “create an API” even means and your paraglideable website looks to cover France only.

I’ve seen these devices that show it must be possible.

Can you provide some greater clues as to how I can get going. Once I’ve got the basic data into HA I could probably code what I want from there.

hi Graham, sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I’m UK based too - wiltshire

Paraglideable does cover the UK although I think is french. Keeping an eye on it it does seem to provide a useful startpoint - i.e. 30% or lower then stay in bed, 30-50% then keep an eye on it but don’t hold your breath, 50% plus worth looking at more detailed websites kind of thing

the windcast box is rather cool!

An API is an Application Programming Interface - it’s how databases in different codes share information. many applications these days will allow you to pull or push data to them to let you link apps that dont naturally work together. in this case paraglidable and home assistant

To get started with paraglideable, go to the website

click get an api key

follow the instructions to get a key

when you get the key by email enter it in this line of the code

replacing YOURAPIKEY with what you get emails
YOURAPIKEY is basically just authenticating that you are you - a password effectively

Amazing Project! I am using your approach to monitor the fly value of five nearby mountains for the next days (today, tomorrow & day after tomorrow) :slight_smile:
Additionly - instead of integrating the values in a weather card, I wanted to view them on a small 3d-printed dashboard that sits on one of my drawers; I made a complete guide to create one yourself on printables: Paraglidable Paragliding Dashboard with Homeassistant (Neopixel, WLED) by Frinn | Download free STL model |

Thank you for this great Solution! I was thinking of building my own weather-logic with simple data, but that’s definitely more elegant. Sadly, I’m not good wenn it comes to .json-files. I created my API with 3 different spots. Is it possible to get the Lovelace card to read out the data of one single spot?