I’ve got a problem trying to get parameters to work in a script.
It’s fairly basic in that it expects a parameter called “message” which I then use to post to slack.
My script:
message: '{{ message }}'
target: '#general'
service: notify.slack_notify
When I test it using the call services in the developer tools, it fails with the message:
There was a Slack API error while sending to general: The request to the Slack API failed. The server responded with: {‘ok’: False, ‘error’: ‘no_text’}
which I’m taking as the message parameter had no value.
The service data i’m using from the developer tools is:
message: "test"
Other things I’ve tried include:
message: {{ "test" }}
and combinations there of with the brackets.
In the script, I replaced {{ message }} with a hard coded value and it works.
Please help.
Can we see the whole thing?
This is from my scripts.yaml file:
alias: Post To Slack Home Log
icon: mdi:slack
max: 10
mode: queued
- data:
message: '{{ message }}'
target: '#general'
service: notify.slack_notify
And the automation that is firing the script please?
I was calling it from Developer Tools > Services selecting “script.post_to_slack_home_log” as the service and the service data:
message: "test"
That should be fine if you’re on 115, anything earlier you need data_template instead of data in the script.
I’m on 115.1. Any ideas why it isn’t passing the message parameter into the script?
No, any errors in the log?
Other than:
There was a Slack API error while sending to general: The request to the Slack API failed. The server responded with: {‘ok’: False, ‘error’: ‘no_text’}
I couldn’t see anything else.
Configuration file validation also shows no errors.
Oh, hang on, you’re just doing this from the developer tools? You need to remove the data_template line and just put
message: "This is a test"