Parcel tracking on Map?

hi all.

trying to figure out how to plot parcels on a Map card.

Been using 17track sensor for a while and generally all good for status but I am not sure if/how to dynamically add the individual sensor.seventeentrack_package_xxx to a Map and further when manually adding a single sensor, how to I get it to pick up the location attribute?

How would you? There’s no gps coordinates on the sensor…

true although typing the location into google maps gets a rough area:

attribution: Data provided by
destination_country: Unknown
info_text: Insert item into bag (Otb) and Send item abroad
location: BULGARIA
origin_country: Bulgaria
package_type: Registered Parcel
tracking_info_language: Unknown

attribution: Data provided by
destination_country: United Kingdom
info_text: Arrival Import Airport
location: GB.London Heathrow Airport
origin_country: China
package_type: Registered Parcel
tracking_info_language: Unknown

Both of these gave a location in google so I was wondering if it might be possible?

You’d have to build an automation that takes the address/location and gets a lat/lon. Then you’d need to get that information into a device tracker.

The hard part would be finding something that turns an address into a lat/lon as this currently does not exist (to my knowledge) in home assistant. All current integrations go the other way. Lat/lon to address.

Then in order to make a device tracker, you’d need to use a python script or appdaemon to create a new device_tracker with the lat/lon as attributes so that it will appear on the map card.

thanks matey.

Sound slike a bit of a fun challenge to keep me busy :grinning:

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