Hi, having trouble with my zigbee network.
2 stories home, about 50 devices, many wall ( powered ) aqara switches, philips bulbs, etc.
Server is a HA on dedicated NUC, with SONOFF stick - located on ground floor, near stairwell so well within a range of wall switches in that stairwell.
Wifi is a Unifi network, moved to channels 1 ( APs on ground and 2nd floor) and 6 ( AP on first floor).
I moved the Zigbee2MQTT to channel 25 via settings - restarted. But it did NOT require me to readd all my devices.
Below is my map - best i can tell performance is really poor, devices keep dropping away all over the place.
Question in particular - i expected for my coordinator to be a parent to all devices directly or at least indirectly ( parent of a parent ). However, i found devices LS.0.Kotlownia - it’s a wall switch by furnace room - wtihin direct line of sight of a sonoff - it does not link to a coordinator as a parent or a child - it shows it as a sibiling - which according to the documentation means it has same parent as coodinator ? Does that make any sense?
should i forcefully remove all my devices as pair them again to get better performance on channel 25 rather then 11 they were on previously ?
This setup is kicking my butt. Instead of inteligent home that i can more or less forget about - i have something to tinker with days on end
Thanks for any help you can render.