I’m new to HA.
I was able to pair this watering zigbee timer with Zigbee Home Automation (do not want to use z2m).
This device has a timer set by default to 1 minute. Each time you turn on the device the time left is set, and close after 1 minute.
I did not find how to change this cluster attribute. I’ve tried with ZHA ToolkitService: attr_write, but I’m not able to make any change.
The only thing that works, is to make an automation, that repeat each 50 seconds to turn on the device. This reset the timer to 1 minute every time. It repeat this 36 times for 30 minutes.
Does anyone has an idee how to make change to this internal device timer ?
It is set as 0 when the device is off (close), and to 1, when is on (open).
Thanks for your help !