Parse stringifield JSON in RESTful sensor response

Dear HA community,

I am new here! First post.

I am struggling with an issue for which I can’t find answer. So thank you for your support and help in advance.

I am configuring a restful sensor. I can make use of some data returned in the response but not all: some properties of the returned object contain stringified JSON:

    "result": "success",
    "server_time": "2024-09-18T16:21:38Z",
    "shared_access": false,
    "public_access": false,
    "channel": {
        "channel_id": "89956",
        "field1": "Motion",
        "field2": "WiFi RSSI",
        "field3": "Movement Level",
        "field4": null,
        "field5": null,
        "field6": null,
        "field7": null,
        "field8": null,
        "field9": null,
        "field10": null,
        "field11": null,
        "field12": null,
        "field13": null,
        "field14": null,
        "field15": null,
        "public_flag": "false",
        "tags": null,
        "url": null,
        "metadata": "{\"fn_dp\":120,\"cg_data_led\":1,\"fn_sen\":200,\"fn_sen_cycle\":500,\"fn_sen_res\":10000,\"fn_sen_sta\":600,\"time_zone\":2}",
        "metadata_d": null,
        "description": null,
        "traffic_out": "670852",
        "traffic_in": "1514405",
        "status": "{\"status\":\"mac=4C:11:AE:8B:44:2C\",\"mac\":\"4C:11:AE:8B:44:2C\"}",
        "timezone": null,
        "write_key": "f2f8720d311b79f2ff46f90c82f4ef47",
        "created_at": "2024-08-29T08:31:02Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-08-29T09:44:46Z",
        "usage": "3477000",
        "last_entry_id": "17787",
        "last_entry_date": "2024-09-18T16:21:06Z",
        "product_id": "ubibot-ms1p",
        "device_id": "b9742251a2be279746a148f43792b8273dd243b8",
        "channel_icon": null,
        "last_ip": "",
        "attached_at": "2024-08-29T08:31:02Z",
        "firmware": "HUM1-0.2.44",
        "full_dump": "0",
        "activated_at": "2024-08-29T08:46:33Z",
        "serial": "E231***KMS1P",
        "mac_address": "4C:11:AE:8B:44:2C",
        "full_dump_limit": "3",
        "cali": null,
        "allow_channel_fields": "10",
        "size_out": "1073741824",
        "size_storage": "209715200",
        "plan_code": "ubibot_free",
        "plan_start": "2024-08-29T08:31:02Z",
        "plan_end": null,
        "bill_start": "2024-08-29T08:31:02Z",
        "bill_end": "2024-09-28T08:31:02Z",
        "last_values": "{\"field1\":{\"value\":0,\"created_at\":\"2024-09-18T16:20:05Z\"},\"field3\":{\"value\":0,\"created_at\":\"2024-09-18T16:18:05Z\"}}",
        "vconfig": "{\"field1\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"30\"},\"field2\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"6\"},\"field3\":{\"h\":\"0\",\"u\":\"22\"}}",
        "vpref": "{\"fields\":[{\"key\":\"field1\",\"index\":0,\"visible\":true},{\"key\":\"field2\",\"index\":1},{\"key\":\"field3\",\"index\":2}],\"v\":3}",
    "virtual_fields": []

I am interested in the content of the “last_values” key. How can I parse the stringified JSON in order to access the values?

Thank you very much for your help.


Here is an example from my config. Looks like Ubibot data you have.
I have multiple ubibot devices that I do one API call for. Then I have separate template sensors for each field id that I want.

 - platform: template> 
    scan_interval: 30
        friendly_name: "Livingroom Temperature"
        value_template: '{{ (states.sensor.master_ubibot.attributes.channels[0].last_values|from_json).field1.value|float|round(2) }}'
        device_class: temperature
        unit_of_measurement: "°C"
1 Like

Thank you, from_json did the trick indeed!