I found XML data for Ohio that provides road condition updates every half hour. I figured out how to pull out values using xmllint, but I’d like to pull several values into a group to display inside Home Assistant.
XML: ftp://ftp.dot.state.oh.us/pub/doit/ssi_rwis/SiteDetails.xml
Code xmllint --xpath 'string(/odot_rwis_site_info/site[@id="200028"]/atmospheric/@airtemp)' ftp://ftp.dot.state.oh.us/pub/doit/ssi_rwis/SiteDetails.xml
It would be great if I could set the ID I want to pull from and the attributes from that into a nicely formatted group in my Home Assistant “States” panel. Also, I’ll have to do some value conversion on the values since they are not in Fahrenheit.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated!