4 days of my life were not in vain. I found a solution to the problem, automation between nodes. I have put together a lot of instructions on how to parse json http reequest.
Unfortunately, I did not find any sensible instructions on the site https://esphome.io/, so I had to study and use the arduino libraries. As I understand it, the current version of esphome uses the ArduinoJson v5 library, so I got the following code
- platform: template
name: Template sensor
id: temp_sensor
# some trigger here
- lambda: |-
WiFiClient client;
HTTPClient http;
// http.useHTTP10(true); // Remember to call useHTTP10(true) when you use getStream()
http.begin(client, "http://ip_of_node/sensor/name_of_sensor"); // details https://esphome.io/web-api/index.html#rest-api
int httpCode = http.GET();
if (httpCode > 0) {
if (httpCode == HTTP_CODE_OK || httpCode == HTTP_CODE_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) {
// String payload = http.getString(); // some debug info
// Serial.println(payload);
DynamicJsonBuffer doc(200);
JsonObject& root = doc.parseObject(http.getString());
float bt = root["value"];
Serial.println(bt); // some debug info