I’m pulling some data from a REST endpoint and I’m having some issues parsing out the response. The endpoint returns what I would consider a dictionary (key-value) format with an ID as the property name.
I’m using the request to filter the data down to a single day so there should only ever be one property/key on the object. The kicker is I don’t know what the key will be each time I request making it (seemingly) impossible to use JSONPath
"success": true,
"data": {
"98765431": {
"runtime_thermostat_summary_id": 123456,
"user_id": 123456,
"thermostat_id": 123456,
"date": "2022-01-05",
"count": 270,
"sum_compressor_cool_1": 0,
"sum_compressor_cool_2": 0,
"sum_compressor_heat_1": 21720,
"sum_compressor_heat_2": 0,
"sum_auxiliary_heat_1": 0,
"sum_auxiliary_heat_2": 0,
"sum_fan": 22080,
"sum_humidifier": 0,
"sum_dehumidifier": 0,
"sum_ventilator": 0,
"sum_economizer": 0,
"sum_degree_days": 0,
"avg_outdoor_temperature": 41.9,
"avg_outdoor_humidity": 65,
"min_outdoor_temperature": 34,
"max_outdoor_temperature": 54.2,
"avg_indoor_temperature": 69.1,
"avg_indoor_humidity": 46,
"deleted": false
Ignoring my issue above and considering I haven’t actually tested anything, I’m going for something like this:
- resource: 'https://api.beestat.io/'
api_key: ''
resource: 'runtime_thermostat_summary'
method: 'read_id'
arguments: '{{"{\"attributes\":{\"thermostat_id\":1234,\"date\":{\"value\":\"" + now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "\",\"operator\":\"=\"}}}}"}}'
- name: HVAC Runtime
json_attributes_path: '$.data[0]'
- 'sum_compressor_heat_1'
- 'sum_compressor_heat_2'