Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this behavior - I am getting partial data in history trend plots (see pic), but the data from the sensor is clearly coming in at regular intervals (even when the data isn’t being placed on the plot, where it is just showing a flat line)
I can confirm this behaviour.
However, I am not sure if it is related to problems with parsing MQTT messages.
I have setup a Temperature plus Humidity sensor getting date every minute from an ESP8266.
What I can observe is that the mosquitto instance gets successfully the full MQTT message.
But HA seems to parse it only partly or sometimes not all.
If you look on the attached screenshot, you can observe that many times only the temperature gets updated while the humidity data contained in the same MQTT message does not get updated or vice versa.
In principle, since HA parses the message both sensors should get updated at the same time.
Any ideas what I could change to get rid of this issue?
Sorry, maybe I am stupid.
Just for my understanding: If the sensor sends new data having the same sensor values as before, e.g. the humidity stays at 55.5 or so, then no new point on the graph is drawn since the sensor state is considered as not changed, right?
This would explain the behaviour I observe.