Partial Solar Forecast in Energy dashboard

I have solar energy production setup in the energy dashboard, together forecast production based on three services setup in the Forecast.Solar integration. This seems to work, as I see a dotted line with projected production in the Solar Production card. However, for some reason, the dotted line never extends beyond 4pm. See example below:

The three sensors sensor.energy_production_today_1-3 do show data for the whole day.

Does anyone know how I can ensure the forecast is shown for the entire day?

Very weird. Did you set a damping factor?
Do you get the same issue with other forecast services like Open Meteo or Solcast?

Thanks for looking into this. I did not set a damping factor.

I now tried Open Meteo Forecast and Solcast integrations and when I select either of those, the dotted line shows up across the entire day, as expected. So it seems the issue is specific for the integration.

Ok, there are no open issue similar to this, so you would need to create an issue here.
But you can also make your own api call to forecast and see if at least the data coming is correct.