Pass parameter and call appdeamon script from configuration.yaml

Hi guys,
I am quiet currios how to achieve this idea and I think asking some experts to point me into the right direction might be usefull.
What I want to do is monitor our github projects:

For example:

  • Open Pull requests
  • Last Commits
  • results of some tests

As the rest sensor can only handle max 255 bytes as input (this was the error I got when testing it with the pullrequest api from github) I startetd to develop a appdeamon script which can ask the API for open pullrequests, last commiets etc. pp.

Now I am really curious how I get this information into my dashboard and how i pass the repo name from config to the appdeamon script. What I do have in mind is something like this in my config.yaml

    type: "OpenPullrequests"
    repositoryName: "PixelManiacs/repo1"
    updateInterval: 6000
    type: "OpenPullrequests"
    repositoryName: "PixelManiacs/repo2"
    updateInterval: 8000

What I want is that my appdeamon Github script is called every 6000(seconds) wich can now fetch the wanted information (OpenPullrequests) from the repository (PixelManiacs/repo1)

Am I thinking in the overall wrong direction? How would you guys achieve something like that?

Thanks so far for borrowing me your brain :slight_smile:

This fits better in the AppDaemon category in my opinion, I changed it.

You don’t need to configure the app in, you create a config file in AppDaemon and you put your repo name etc. in there. What info do you want to see in your dashboard, is it only the number of open pull requests? If so, you can create an input_number in home assistant and write the number of open pull requests from appdaemon to this input_number.

So I have to create a input_number for every repo on the configuration.yaml and a config in the Appdeamon and have to match the repository from the appdeamon config with the right input_number “sensor” from the configuration.yaml?

If you have some good naming conventions for your input_numbers you should also be able to do this automatically. I think there is also the possibility to create entities in home assistant from appdaemon with the service call self.set_state