Go easy on my here, I’m new to home assistant/yaml
I’m trying to send URL information directly from my an application called AI tool (AI security camera tool) to Home Assistant, embedded in the URL would be information on what the cameras detected and what the probability of a positive ID is.
I’ve chosen to make the URL to being sent from AI Tool -->> To Home Assistant as follows:
Of course the memo variable would change for each instance.
On the home assistance end I have a sensors.yaml file containing
- platform: rest
- memo
authorization: !secret rest_token
content-type: "application/json"
User-Agent: Home Assistant
name: FrontDoorPercent
value_template: "{{ value_json.state }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
Once again, go easy on me here, I know so far I’m way off base, I’m having issues with authentication among the least. I’ve read through a lot of documentation and forums, but this one is really stumping me. But any help in at least steering me down the right path would be much appreciated.