Passing information between integrations

I use Loxone to make all decisions in my Home Automation and Node-Red running under HA for UI and third party sensors and control.

I now need to use HA because I’m adding Tuya TRV’s - radiator valves - which are battery operated and aren’t ‘seen’ by Tuya Local and Node-Red can’t control them, but HA can.

All I want to do is;

  1. Receive changes to (an analogue value from the Tuya TRV) Actual Temperature and pass it to a Loxone Virtual Input
  2. Receive changes from (an analogue value Loxone Virtual Output and pass it to the Tuya TRV) Target Temperature.

Are these Automations, Scenes or Scripts? I’ve tried using Automations, but it doesn’t seem to give me the options I need to pass the data value on.

Although I’m using Loxone and Tuya, I think these are pretty generic questions and I apologise if they’re explained elsewhere, but if it is, I can’t find it!

My inexperience with HA is preventing me getting my head around how best to do this and any help would be appreciated.