Passing kwargs to module through apps.yaml

I have zwave switches with multi-tap functionality and would like to reuse the base code. So, I setup the following base and then instantiate new calls based from that in the apps.yaml file and it works fine.

class MultiTap(hass.Hass):

    def initialize(self):
        Schedules callback for multi_tap of applicable switch

        Input: listen_entity, scene_id, scene_data
        listen_entity = self.args['listen_entity']
        scene_id = self.args['scene_id']
        scene_data = self.args['scene_data']
        self.listen_event(self.multi_tap_func, "zwave.scene_activated",
                        scene_id=scene_id, scene_data=scene_data)

    def multi_tap_func(self, event_name, data, kwargs):
            Service call function

            Input: service, call_entity
            service = self.args['service']
            call_entity = self.args['call_entity']
            self.call_service(service, entity_id=call_entity)
# turn on kitchen island with 3 taps up on under cabinet lights switch
  module: z_multi_tap
  class: MultiTap
  listen_entity: zwave.1_kit_cab_wd100
  scene_id: 1  # up
  scene_data: 4  # 3 taps
  service: light/turn_on
  call_entity: light.1_kit_isl_wd100
  # ???how do I pass brightness kwarg???

This works but the problem is I don’t how to pass any kwargs. For example, how to pass the below brightness kwarg in the apps.yaml file:

  self.call_service("light/turn_on", entity_id='light.1_kit_isl_wd100', brightness_pct=50)

I use something similar for my Hue Dimmer Switches.

Add the following to your apps.yaml:

  brightness_pct: 50

And change your multi_tap_func to this:

    def multi_tap_func(self, event_name, data, kwargs):
        Service call function

        Input: service, call_entity
        service = self.args['service']
        call_entity = self.args['call_entity']
        parameters = self.args['parameters']

        self.call_service(service, entity_id=call_entity, **parameters)

You can add as many parameters as you want to the apps.yaml file this way.

Awesome, works great. Now that I see it, it makes perfect sense. Thank you.