Passing parameter to script

I have tried to figure this out without luck. How the volume_level parameter should be passed to the script? By using just e.g. ‘0.1’ it works and the script works, but I would like to pass the current value of Denon. How is that done? The idea is to set volume back to previous state after playing doorbell ring.


- id: '1581843050087'
  alias: Doorbell_ring
  description: ''
  - device_id: 643c2a1d61c541be95663a3af017c9be
    domain: binary_sensor
    entity_id: binary_sensor.vibration_8
    platform: device
    type: vibration
  condition: []
  - data:
        volume_level: "{{states.media_player.denon.attributes.volume_level}}"
    entity_id: script.1595949689021
    service: script.turn_on

Use data_template in the service call.

Cannot figure this out. Can you show how it is done with my code above? Trigger in this case is the vibration sensor and I want to pass Denon’s volume level to the script, so can this be used then?