Passing transition to activate scene service

Continuing the discussion from 0.101: Airly, Apprise, Sinch, Solar-Log, Microsoft Teams:

This presumes that the ‘scene’ you want to achieve involves all the entities getting to the same setting at the same time, which isn’t always the case.

Example - ‘switch lights on at sunset’

Outside lights transition from 0 - 100% over a period of an hour, but livingroom lights do so over a period of 20 minutes.

If you had

service: homeassistant.turn_on
  entity_id: scene.sunset_lights
  transition: XXX

What do you put for XXX? 20 minutes or an hour?

Best idea would be for the changes to the scene component to be reversed. Or just get rid of the scene component and do it with a script, which is what we now have to do anyway.

yes, Ive considered that indeed.

My solution would be to create and call scenes grouped by transition time.

Yes, agree again, but as you might have read in the discussion I linked, Balloob has different considerations…

You only quoted half of my paragraph. My point is that you either have ‘scenes’ or you don’t. Currently you don’t (and as you say, the Supreme Leader states that the functionality will not be returned), so why have a scene component at all.

Sorry, I did indeed pickup on what was bugging me most.

But, I have a slightly different feeling towards the issue.
We do have scenes, (which as Balloob states correctly, reflect the state of a certain entity, and not the transition to that state). Hence we don’t have the option to set transition in the scenes themselves anymore. Balloob suggested that adding that as a parameter to a service would be an option. Which is what I feature requested here, just to be sure…

So, even without that, I do think we need to keep scenes, because they are an entirely different beast than scripts turning on lights etc etc. And take away much of the hassle writing script for all that would encompass.

A ‘scene’ prior to this change was a visible and audible effect.

You no longer have the ability to do this with the scene component, therefore you no longer have scenes. What you have is a ‘state snapshot’, which no matter what the Supreme Leader says is not the same thing.