I have hit a road block. I need some help figuriing this out. I am trying to implement the follwing idea: Use the current weather information and location to have openai create an image and display it in a dashboard.
I am using the action openai_conversation.generate_image to generate the image. It works great and it returns the url of the generated image. My problem is, I can’t figure out how to pass the url to my picture entity or camera entity to display it on the dashboard. Since the url is longer than 255 characters I can’t store it in a text helper.
So I found a solution myself. Just in case someone else is trying to solve it, this is how I did it:
I went a different route and installed the “downloader” integration. It provides an action to download files so within the script I pass the variable that contains the URL from the image generation to the download action and store the file locally. This is then the image path for my camera entity displaying the image. The camera entity is being provided by the “local file” integration.