Passing Variables from script

I am trying to integrate a script from Jeffery Stone ( on gathering all media players from a script. My script is as follows:

alias: get_room_services_single
  - variables:
      room_services: |-
        {% set jarvis_speaker = states.media_player | 
            selectattr('entity_id', 'in', area_entities(room)) |
            rejectattr('attributes.last_called', 'undefined') |
            map(attribute='entity_id') |
          list | first %}

  - stop: ok, Im done.
    response_variable: room_services
mode: single

If I go to Developer tools and run the script, it returns just fine.

However, when I try to call this from a test automation, it states that it fails becuase template value should be a string for dictionary value @ data[‘message’]

alias: Test Automation with Variables
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - input_boolean.test_helper
    to: "on"
condition: []
  - service: script.get_room_services_single
    data: {}
    response_variable: room_services
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: This is a test
      target: {{ room_services.jarvis_speaker }}
    enabled: true
mode: single

I’m obviously missing something very simple here. My guess is I’m not addressing the directory value correctly but I can’t figure out what exactly to use. The script is setting the return value to jarvis_speaker isn’t it?

  1. Value for the room variable isn’t being supplied when the script is called in the automation.

  2. No quotes around template for target.

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How in the world did I miss I wasn’t passing the room?

Your suggestions worked perfectly. Thank you!