Passive BLE Monitor integration

I don’t think this device needs an encryption key, so you can leave it out.

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Good to know, I’ll try without it. Thanks.


I had not seen that there was a post, I made a new request here

Could you help me ?

Thank you for everything

I am also interested in this. What’s your status on this? To avoid that I am starting work which you might already have done :slight_smile:

We have a special page with instructions on how to collect passive BLE data. After you collect this, create a new issue on github with the data attached, and I will have a look.
Not that BLEmonitor cant connect to devices, only passive/active scanning.


Thanks for your answer, I already looked at this page but I can’t get the logs to send them to you.

I am on a Hassio image and therefore limited on the terminal.

The first method under “Getting BLE advertisements with the Home Assistant logger” works without any terminal. Also on Hassio

Hi, i have JTYJGD03MI Smoke detector. What do i do to integrate it in ha? I’ve followed all procedures described for other devices without success. I think the main problem is i can’t find the mi bind key but only the token.
Someone can help me?

Did you check the faq with instruction how to get the bindkey?

i used the modified version of mi home but i can’t find the pairings.txt file but only devices.txt where i can find only the token.
I tried the app for mac osx but i found only the token.
Any solution to find it?


: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: components/sensor/
Integration: Сенсор (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 22:50:47 (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 22:50:47

Sensor sensor.ble_heart_rate_f3187ff2133e has device class None, state class measurement and unit bpm thus indicating it has a numeric value; however, it has the non-numeric value: unknown (<class 'str'>); Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.
Sensor sensor.ble_steps_f3187ff2133e has device class None, state class total and unit steps thus indicating it has a numeric value; however, it has the non-numeric value: unknown (<class 'str'>); Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.
Sensor sensor.ble_heart_rate_f8bb08c875b3 has device class None, state class measurement and unit bpm thus indicating it has a numeric value; however, it has the non-numeric value: unknown (<class 'str'>); Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.
Sensor sensor.ble_steps_f8bb08c875b3 has device class None, state class total and unit steps thus indicating it has a numeric value; however, it has the non-numeric value: unknown (<class 'str'>); Please update your configuration if your entity is manually configured, otherwise report it to the custom integration author.

Hello , I have a problem with miband4 and miband 5 no info is displayed, active scanning is enabled according to the manual

An RSSI value of 0 is strange. Please enable debug logging for ble monitor and create an issue on github. The errors in the first message will be fixed in the next HA release, if I remember correct.

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Thanks for your answer,

I have read and put what I need in the configuration.yaml but I don’t know where to look. I can’t find the file ``custom_components.ble_monitor```.

I must be very stupid

If you can’t find that folder, the question is did you install it?

Of course it has been installed, here is what I have in it:


And here is the configuration.yaml


And in ble:


That looks ok. Now check the HA logs in HA itself. It is in one of the setting/configuration menu’s.

Thank you for your patience, I wasn’t looking in the right place at all.

I have logs but I don’t know if it’s enough. So I have to open a problem to submit the logs to you, right?

Yes, that is the easiest.