What if we could set a password/PIN for certain dashboards or actions such as disarming a security system, this would make wall-mounted dashboards much more secure and safe, cause this makes it much harder for people who break in to disarm the security system or cameras.
I think the Manual Alarm control panel already does what you want. But if you give any potential burglar an access to already logged-in user, they might be able to e.g. disable your automation even without knowing the code. So it is more likely to just give a false feeling of safety.
IOW, I would simply lock out the wall-mounted dashboards if alarm is active. But I never used anything other than an old phone in this role, so maybe it is not possible to do it with dedicated devices?
I meant like actually implement it into HA, not just make an automation.
I understand what you want. My point is that it is both hard to implement and unless EVERY and ALL actions of HA are protected like that, a burglar who knows their way around HA can just go to settings and shut down HA or restart it, or disable all your automations and scripts, so your alarm doesn’t trigger even if it is armed, or does something that crashes it, etc. The limited-user-permissions feature in HA is still not completed AFAIK and should not be relied on to stop a bad actor.
So at that point, locking down the terminal itself with an Android lockscreen or whatever is needed anyway.
I can imagine some use-cases like “prevent accidentally shutting down the heating automation because of a misclick,” just like e.g. GitHub wants you to type the repository name before you can delete it. But even that would be hard to do without breaking a lot of stuff.
Have a look at the HACS Lovelock card:
One other thing I find a use for is since my cameras alarms are in the dashboard for the cameras and a misclick could set it off, I did make it so it shows details instead of toggling it, but this would make it hard to double misclick and set them off, and when they set off, it automatically calls 911, that’s not a HA automation, it’s built-in to the cameras, so with the PIN, it makes it impossible to misclick it.
Yup, this use case (not anti-burglar, but anti-fat-fingers) makes much more sense and I can get behind that.