I’m not an idiot, but i am more of a hardware vs software guy. I’ve been trying to get my phone state from my cell phones in the house to pause certain tv’s and such.
HA OS on a RPi - hacs
HA On all 3 phones
I saw this somewhere else:
- alias: Phone Calls
#making a call: idle to offhook
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.phone_phone_state
from: idle
to: offhook
#answering a call: ringing to offhook
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.phone_phone_state
from: ringing
to: offhook
#hanging up a call: offhook to idle
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.phone_phone_state
from: offhook
to: idle
- condition: state
entity_id: sensor.where_are_you
state: 'Home'
I cant sem to find any entities anywhere that match these in any way. I can see battery states but not phone_state on the samsung’s. I can also see the iPhones: SIM 1 & 2, and activity.
can someone help an old idgit out and either guide me to resources that might be helpful (i’ve searched any way i can seem to search) or just lemme know how to do it?
OK so i figured it out while you guys were writing.
First i realized i had my entities set to only active or whatever, so i turned the filter off, then i realized it was disabled, so i went to fix that. Viola its done.
Steps for anyone that comes in the future:
Go into Apps > Home Assistant and turn on permissions
Then create an automation. I’ll attach a screenshot and the yaml so you can see how i have mine setup.