Pax Calima

Unfortunately I’m not currently in a position to test this.
But I really, really like this approach!
Thanks for looking into getting it to work with ESPhome!

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Amazing! As promissed, I am happy to fund this in case there were any costs involved. In any case I am willing to donate some bucks.

I’ll try to find time within this week to test this with esp32 +esphome. Will let you know the outcome.

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Meanwhile, I am working on functionality to support boost mode control.

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@paveldn I can confirm that it’s working with esphome:


Thank you so much for testing

Listens fine, but no valures in humidity (should be around 50% right now)

Thing is that it is showing no real humidity but some normalized value. Usually, it is 0% unless you shower (or probably spray water another way), then you will see that value is growing. Probably it uses a number of particles or something.
That is how this looks for my fan:

Spikes it is when somebody was showering and you can see that humidity ventilation started at the same time (purple value on the top diagram.

How exactly has the Vent Axia Svara been integrated? Can someone explain the gist of how to get it into HA? I’m really curious to try it.

Hi @TheStrayChow ,

Keep in mind that for now, it is working only as sensors no fan control is available. It is much more difficult than I expected. You need to know your fan MAC address to connect BT to your Vent Axia Svara. You can get it from a sticker on the control block:
You can also save a pin it is not needed now but maybe will be needed in the future for controlling the fan.
You can use this custom component: GitHub - paveldn/esphome-calima
There is vent.yaml sample config file. You will need to make secrets.yaml file like this:

wifi_ssid: "YOUR_WIFI_SSID"
wifi_password: "YOUR_WIFI_PASSWORD"
device_mac: "<MAC_ADDRESS>"

Is there no switch entity for turning on the fan boost?

Not with esphome. As explained above, it is read only currently. Use the hacs custom component for being able to set values, incl. boost mode.

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I have tried to use hacs custom component but no success. Have I missed something?

@zlakes01 Just like @el97 I use this one: GitHub - eriknn/ha-pax_ble: Home Assistant component for Pax Calima bluetooth-enabled fans. - it seems to work OKish. The temp and light sensors do not seem particularly accurate, but that’s not the fault of the integration. Occasionally I don’t get data for a while, but then again it is as far away from my server as technically possible so I’m not really surprised. Ability trigger boost mode and the state history is what I care about, so overall I’m satisfied with it.

I also used this for a while but the fans would lose connection for long periods of time even when right next to my Bluetooth receiver. In the end I did away with the fans entirely

How can i make a bluethooth repeater?
Is it possible? Or do i need to run a usb cable and add a Bluethoot dongel to my Pi ?

Any solutions or ideas?

You can use a ESP 32 device and the Bluetooth proxy function in order to get better range. Read more about it here: Bluetooth - Home Assistant

This work like a charm
I did pickup all neighbours fans hahah
Good I don’t know their pins

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I dont get my calima to connect. Even tho im using the mac-adress and pin-code on the motor unit. Any suggestion? Can the mac-adress be wrong? Can i find it elsewhere?