PCA9685 Entities not Showing

I have just started to play with ESP Home, i have a problem with the PCA9685 PWM module

below is my Config it compiles and install with out any prblems


  • frequency: 1000
    address: 0x40


  • platform: pca9685
    id: ‘pca_1’
    channel: 0
    inverted: true
  • platform: pca9685
    id: ‘pca_2’
    channel: 1
    inverted: true

Below is the Logfile of the pca9685 part

[23:50:29][C][pca9685:078]: PCA9685:
[23:50:29][C][pca9685:079]: Mode: 0x0C
[23:50:29][C][pca9685:080]: Frequency: 500 Hz
[23:50:29][C][logger:193]: Logger:
[23:50:29][C][logger:194]: Level: DEBUG
[23:50:29][C][logger:195]: Log Baud Rate: 115200
[23:50:29][C][logger:196]: Hardware UART: UART0

but the problem is I can’t see the 2 entities in the ESP HOME integration
anyone can help, please?


  • pca9685_id (Optional, ID): Manually specify the ID of the PCA9685 hub. Use this if you have multiple PCA9685s you want to use at the same time.

Hi Tomdudu38, thanks for your reply

I have tried more than once, also copy-paste the examples but noting show up
I am obviously doing something wrong, is there a chance someone point to what I am doing wrong

also tried the below config without any luck


- frequency: 1000
  address: 0x40
  id: 'pca9685_hub1'

- platform: pca9685
  id: ‘pca_1’
  pca9685_id: 'pca9685_hub1'
  channel: 0
  inverted: true

- platform: pca9685
  id: ‘pca_2’
  pca9685_id: 'pca9685_hub1'
  channel: 1
  inverted: true

In the documentation, it says that you first need to set up the global pca9685 hub and give it an id

how do I do that?

2 days of struggling with this module I am starting to give up, please help