PCInfoToMQTT v0.1.3

Run software with admin rights. I think you have more sensors and for me I have cpu package temp. But I don’t know if I acces with aida or win10 system

I did ran software with admin rights from the beginning. I’ve close and rerun the software with admin rights and I do not see any new data. should I remove all and run again?

There should be only 4 cores. Maybe intelcpu-0-temperature-4 is the combined one. The temp seems higher than the rest.

Updated my OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll to get temperature detection working on my Ryzen 5600x.

RBTray is junk since you have to manually right click on the minimize button of the program you want to minimize, doesn’t automatically work on startup. Please implement proper tray minimization on startup.

Otherwise, great job!

I take it that all have use some kind of software to minimize the program to tray don’t have an issue where the progarm does not minimize to tray?

I have tried these software and none seems to be working for me. It does nothing. User error on my part?

Minimize To Tray (free)
RBtray (free)
Actual Windows Minimizer (paid software. Have trial)

I just installed the program successfully. The only problem as I have read here is that the OpenHardwareMonitor library is the one from 2016, but I cannot find another more updated version.
Where can I get it?

You can just install the latest OpenHardware monitor and connect to it directly. It’s a supported integration: Open Hardware Monitor - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)

Simple and easy, it also starts at Windows startup.

How did you do the yaml setup? I’m quite new to this and I can’t see a file called sensors.yaml anywhere. The instructions are missing steps. I downloaded an app called MQTT Explorer and can see some of the sensors showing up in there, just not sure how I’m supposed to retrieve this data in Home Assistant. I’ve watched a MQTT setup tutorial and have created a username and password for MQTT.

Well I mean Open Hardware Monitor integration as recommended by James_Huang in post # 47. For Windows you just have to follow the steps mentioned and create an entry in “configuration.yaml” as explained in https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/openhardwaremonitor/.
The most complicated part (and it is not), is the configuration of the web server of the application on the host to be monitored.
You can find some guide / video to help you configure the application and / or the firewall.
If there is any problem, you can contact me, I will be happy to help you, but I do not see many problems in the integration.

Managed to figure it out last night after several hours. First turned out my MQTT wasn’t configured properly because I called one of the user accounts mqqt and typed the correct name somewhere else. Turns out the config file can be split into separate files. Also noticed that the MQTT Topics were radically different so edited the config accordingly.

I did this and it is still coming out in Fahrenheit for some reason:

- platform: mqtt
   name: 'GPU Memory'
   unit_of_measurement: '°C'
   state_topic: 'home-assistant/pc/tgpu1mem' 

EDIT: Changed °C to C and its working fine now :smiley:

Hello everyone

someone managed to minimize to system tray automatically?

Thanks a lot

Is there a way to poll other sensors from Open Hardware Monitor?
E.g. power draw, clock, load, fan speed, RAM usage
I currently already pull this from OHM straight into HA but this way I can monitor multiple computers more easily and through MQTT.

Will I need to install AIDA to access these other sensors? Is it just me, or am I looking at the wrong product, seems AIDA is a paid software :confused: