PECO integration not working for philly folks?

i was able to log into my PECO and disabled the 2fa as seen here

it keeps failing to setup as seen here. any idea if PECO’s server is down or if the integration not working for you as well?

OPOWER - PECO sorta, kinda works for me. Many gaps in data download:


For me the PECO Outage Counter is mostly “unavailable” since December 13. 2023:



Edit: It just occurred to me that the drop-off in usable data corresponds to when I installed 2023.12.3 (I have no idea if there is any cause and effect. I’ll see what happens when I installed 2024.01.xx )

Still unusable.

It comes and goes (unavailable) with no explanation. It looked like it was back on January 2, but gone again by the 4th. (still on HA Core 2023.12.3)

