šŸ”„ Pellet stove 'Duepi-evo'

Now I understand (admitted, this comes in general quitte slow with me :blush: )
I didnā€™t get your flash working, on the stove but in hide side this was probably caused by the wrong connection of tx and rx pins.

You are right. I have the MyDPremote app.

Iā€™v read somewhere that when the wifi module is connected your stoveā€™s ID. It cannot be disconnected, you have an account on the duepi site, but you cannot delete that account.
So when I sell it to someone else, is it not useless to him?

That I donā€™t know, I never signed up (only used it local).

Maybe try to logon and check if you can delete your account?
If not, you can contact them at [email protected]
(they are quite helpful, but not regarding the serial protocol info :P)

I just created a dummy device at their website, and it might be you cannot delete your account, but you can delete your device(s) :wink:

Hi Aceindy,

that indeed, looks like it.
But it is another (slightly) site then where I had to register the module.
that was this site.

anyway, I will give it a go.
Who knows.


  • Can you login the site I provided?
  • Do you see your device there?
    If soā€¦you can delete it :smiley:

(they should also have a mechanism in place for that, what if I sell my stove (or my house) :thinking:

I registered on site you provided en I could register my module.
After that the site told me it was offline. And I indeed could delete the device.

So I suppose it is disconnected from my account then.
I will go and try to sell it on marktplaats.


Hmmā€¦, it wasnā€™t there already? :thinking:
You can always re-check by re-connecting the original wifi module just to test :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi, can i use a Wemos and power that one with the micro USB, and only connect the RX and TX? Iā€™ve been trying that but canā€™get that to work. Is there a way, or should i always use an ESP01 with 5v converter?

PS: Your stove has a 5v output which you can use (the one that normally powers the wifi-module :wink: )

I have a regular Wemos. But i cant flash it with the tool on your website. It doesnt create an ap after flashing. Is it because i dont have a wemos pro?

I also uploaded the FlashTool for those cases :wink:

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I tried linking the ESP-01 through the 3.3v adapter with esp-link to my Artel Julia Next. Unfortunately, the stove did not send any commands to the ESP-01. I tried swapping TX/RX to no avail. When looping the TX/RX on the ESP-01 I saw the commands I sent through telnet on the uC Console, so I donā€™t think the ESP-01 was faulty (I tried two).

I had an ESP-WROOM-32 lying around, so I decided to try the ESPHome method, which worked first try. I noticed turning on the stove is nearly instantanious. When turning off the stove from Home Assistant, it turns off immediately, but this does not get communicated to Home Assistant immediately, so Iā€™d have to wait for some feedback from the stove. It all seems to work, but I am wondering why esp-link did not work. Especially since I have read in this thread that it is supposed to be more stable.

If anyone has an idea, Iā€™d love to know :slight_smile: Thanks in advance!

I noticed with the ESPHome approach that I get timeout errors, even through it works fine:

2024-11-15 09:57:50.293 ERROR (MainThread) [custom_components.duepi_evo.climate] Time-out while polling host:
2024-11-15 09:57:50.294 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update for climate.julia fails
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 944, in async_update_ha_state
    await self.async_device_update()
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 1302, in async_device_update
    await self.async_update()
  File "/config/custom_components/duepi_evo/climate.py", line 398, in async_update
    self._burner_status = data[0]
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
2024-11-15 09:58:47.407 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.duepi_evo.climate] julia: Received burner: Off, Ambient temp: 17.5, Fan speed: 1, Flu gas temp: 9, Exh fan speed: 0, PelletSpeed: 0, Error code: All OK, Setpoint temp: 24

That depends a bit on the scan-interval:

    scan_interval: 30

So it updates every 30s. Ofc you can make it update more frequent, but as it is serial, the risk is you request an update before the stove finished replying to the previous request :wink:

I also experienced time out issues with the esphome, it is not as reliable as esplink (hence I went back to using esplink).
Not sure what the issue is with your esplink, should be working (especially since it does work with esphome), you did a good check by looping Txā€“>Rx :wink:

I would suggest to use the new ESPHome solution created:

let me know if thatā€™s works for you


Awesome mate, this was on my wish list for a long time !!

Iā€™ll test it asap !!

Took you long enough though :rofl:

Works for me! Awesome :clap:

I am using a D1 mini on my Duroflame Pelle stove.
And I can perfectly control it within HA ā€¦

@mvroosmalen1970 l thought Iā€™ve been wanting to convert this addon to ESPHome for a long time now, I just realized, it works awesome, but it has a down sideā€¦
We no longer can use the Duepi app; this esphome version only works with ESPHome/HomeAssistant (or standalone web application)

I donā€™t have (or have used) the Duepi app, is it giving more control then Home Assistant ?

Are you missing a feature?

I can turn the stove on and off, set the temperature and power level and check the room temperature. With some automations I can perfectly blend it into my home automation.
Iā€™m now working on a PID to control the room temperature more precise.

I think i got most, there are a few more attributes, but not really worth adding (the app was used to reverse engineer the protocols :wink:)

Butā€¦if HA is failing (which hardly ever happens), i can still fall back on the appā€¦