People that automate their climate via hass, do you trust it?

It’s been on my list to do for a while because I think it will save us money. I’m building my own solution because I’m not a fan of nest/ecobee etc for many reasons mostly around data and cloud though. Anyway, I have the general stuff setup and ready to go but I’m just nervous since it’s our heat. I keep telling myself worse case the heat stays off for 12 hours which probably isn’t enough for things to really go bad. I’m also thinking about building in alerts that run on a separate device (think, hass box goes down) and some safety fallbacks if things go bad (if temp is below x, turn on heat regardless)

Anyways, is this a concern for anyone? How have you addressed this?

Edit: To add more context. I have oil/boiler heat for my house plus three heatpumps in various rooms. I’m going to start off simple and just get things on a schedule but ideally if conditions are right I want the heatpumps on otherwise I want the boiler on. This can come later once the system is stable though. My plan is to control the boiler via a control box via mqtt. It will be “dumb” as it just knows on/off and that’s it. The heatpumps are similar except each one has it’s own controller, esp based. I’m not sure where I want to run the actually logic, I was thinking hass/appdaemon but I kind of what to separate it out so it’s not dependent on anything else. I might choose to run it on a pi in either python or node.

Its always good to have redundancy. I use the climate component for my apartment and find I ok although I am using a air conditioner to do this but does the job now I can control the system via HomeKit as well so plus all round for our place

i control my heating with appdaemon now for 2 years.
never had a problem with it.

i must say that i have a rather unconventional heating system.
i use electrical heating on several ways and places.

in the livingroom i got 3 different types, an electrical fireplace 2000W, floorheating and infrared.
all connected to arduino switches that i control with mysensors

i guess i live in a more moderate climate then you do, because i never had any concern about the heating staying off. i am more concerned about it staying on :wink:

I switch my split system air conditioner on in heat or cool mode at set times of the day based on set room temperatures but I let the air conditioner control the room temperature at it’s set point for the two modes. The cool and heat trigger points are far enough apart that it does not cycle from one to the other.

I have been trying to automate my room dehumidifiers but the Aeotec ‘smart’ zwave switches have been so unreliable that I have to do this sort of thing for both the on and off automations (note the delay / condition / and second attempt in the action)

- id: lounge_run_dehumidifier
  alias: 'Lounge Room Run Dehumidifier'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.lounge_room_condensation_chance
    above: 70
      minutes: 20
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.aeotec_lounge_dehumidifier
    state: 'off'
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.aeotec_lounge_dehumidifier
  - service: notify.ios_iphone
      message: Lounge room condensing humidity alert. Dehumidifier started.
          sound: "DehumidifierActivated.wav"
  - delay: 00:00:10
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.aeotec_lounge_dehumidifier
    state: 'off'
  - service: switch.turn_on
    entity_id: switch.aeotec_lounge_dehumidifier
  - service: notify.ios_iphone
      message: 2nd lounge room dehumidifier start attempt.
          sound: "DehumidifierActivated.wav"