Perform an action in a value template of a sensor

Hi all,

I know this will sound a stupid question (most of mine are)…

But is it possible to perform actions within the value_template section of a sensor?

I have a sensor that occasionally returns no value, when it does I would like to use the last proper value it recorded. So I was thinking of building some logic/function into my sensor that says if it returns a valid value then store this as an input_text and present the current returned value to HA; or if the sensor value is empty then get the sensor to use the input_text value.

I know I could do this via a seperate automation and change my main automation to use the value from the input_text entity instead of the sensor value, but I was just curious if I could do a neat/one-less automation solution and build it all into the sensor?



10 characters answer: No :wink:

Great answer :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Didn’t think it was possible. Thanks for confirming :+1:

This may be possible though. What do you mean by this:





It is the file sensor, it is parsing the log file looking for a specific string/line and then extracting sections of that line. If it does not match the string/line then it returns nothing

And it does not retain it’s previous value when that happens?

It returns an empty string?

Show your file sensor config.


This is the config.

- platform: file
  name: Temperature Sensor update time
  file_path: /config/home-assistant.log
  value_template: >-
    {%- if ('homeassistant.components.konnected.handlers' in value) and ('Temperature Sensor' in value) -%}
      {{ value.split(' ')[0] }}, {{ value.split(' ')[1] }}
    {%- endif -%}

If the last line of the log file does not contain the required strings it returns nothing. I could change the value_template and include an else clause.

Please format your pasted config.

Try this:

- platform: file
  name: Temperature Sensor update time
  file_path: /config/home-assistant.log
  value_template: >
    {% if ('homeassistant.components.konnected.handlers' in value) and ('Temperature Sensor' in value) %}
      {{ value.split(' ')[0] }}, {{ value.split(' ')[1] }}
    {% else %}
      {{ states('sensor.temperature_sensor_update_time') }}
    {% endif %}

The else case should retain the previous/current state.

I’ve reformatted my code.

Thanks for the suggestion/solution, I’ll give it a try and hopefully it should work :crossed_fingers: :+1: