Performance issue with 220 template sensors

Hi all,

I want add all the crypto’s into HA so I can use a input_select to get the right crypto to show in a graph.

i have 1 REST sensor that get every minute a JSON from my exchange broker.

Then I created now 220 template sensors like this one:

      value_template: "ok"
        buy: >-
          {% set item =  state_attr('sensor.bitladon_all', 'result') | selectattr('ticker', 'eq', 'BNB') | first %}
          {{ }}
        sell: >
          {% set item =  state_attr('sensor.bitladon_all', 'result') | selectattr('ticker', 'eq', 'BNB') | first %}
          {{ item.sell }}
        change24h: >-
          {% set item =  state_attr('sensor.bitladon_all', 'result') | selectattr('ticker', 'eq', 'BNB') | first %}
          {{ item.change24h }}
        volume24h: >-
          {% set item =  state_attr('sensor.bitladon_all', 'result') | selectattr('ticker', 'eq', 'BNB') | first %}
          {{ item. volume24h }}

But I think this will be a bad performance on HA…
There was no other way to get all the crypto’s correct in HA even with template if scripts.

When you open this link:
You get the JSON list.

The sensor that I have contains this output in attributes:

- name: 0x
  ticker: ZRX
  buy: '1.34213'
  sell: '1.28434'
  last: '1.30629'
  change24h: '-4.94'
  change72h: '0.47'
  change168h: '-15.03'
  volume24h: '13865.5294'
  logo: ''
  eurovolume24h: '18609.34'
  graph: ''
- name: 1inch
  ticker: 1INCH
  buy: '4.41059'
  sell: '4.21810'
  last: '4.38181'
  change24h: '-0.74'
  change72h: '3.43'
  change168h: '-7.13'
  volume24h: '14617.7241'
  logo: ''
  eurovolume24h: '64472.79'
  graph: ''
- name: Aave
  ticker: AAVE
  buy: '373.332'
  sell: '357.131'
  last: '371.482'
  change24h: '-9.80'
  change72h: '-5.67'
  change168h: '-10.18'
  volume24h: '113.3879'
  logo: ''
  eurovolume24h: '42331.33'
  graph: ''

Is there a way to make this much efficient?

This card I use now this the many 220 sensors:

type: 'custom:apexcharts-card'
config_templates: bandwidth_chart
  title: ADA / EUR - Last 24 hours
  - entity: sensor.eur_ada
    name: Buy
    float_precision: 5
    unit: EUR
      func: avg
      duration: 5min
      extremas: true
    attribute: buy
  - entity: sensor.eur_ada
    name: Sell
    float_precision: 5
    unit: EUR
      func: avg
      duration: 5min
      extremas: true
    attribute: sell