Hello guys, I need some helpe here…
I have automation triggering at 12:00 and if two conditions are met (PV production > 6600 W and hot water temperature in storage is < 42°C) the signal is sent to heat-pump to heat water in storage.
The automation is as follows:
alias: Heating hot water to 58°C when PV production is over 6.6 kW and HWT is above 42°C
description: >-
Ob 12h preveri ali so izpolnjeni pogoji (min 6.6kW PV in voda pod 42°C) in
vklopi grelce do 58°C
- platform: time
at: '12:00'
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.solaredge_modbus_ac_power
above: '6600'
- condition: and
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.hot_water_temperature
below: '42'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: ebusd/ehp/BackupModeHwc/set
payload: '2'
- delay: '00:00:05'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: ebusd/hwc/StorageTempDesiredStop/set
payload: '58'
- delay: '00:00:05'
- service: mqtt.publish
topic: ebusd/hwc/load/set
payload: 'on'
- delay: '00:00:05'
mode: single
Sometimes one condtition (or maybe two) are temporartly (f.i. PV production) not met, but in next 2 min or less the PV production is met (f.i. small cloud over my PV and it lowers production to 5000 W or less).
- How to configure automation to trigger again in 3 mins…and then again in 3 min…till automation is deployed or till 16h in the afternoon?
- Is it possible to get notification if automation (for heating hot water) was successfull? How to do that? I’m thinking on another automation…?
Thank you!