Permanent removal of integrations/settings

New user, with a Ras Pi 4 image all set up with lights, robovacn some media players and so far so good. I’ve tried searching and read the forums and there doesnt appear to be any way to accomplish either of the following permanently.

  1. Remove Raspberry Pi Power Supply Checker
  2. Permanent removal of Energy (to start, but maybe more) from the menu.

Restarting HA caused these items to return. I’ve disabled the first integration and its still there. Deleted it, it comes back. Nothing seems to get rid of it. Same thing with Energy sidebar entry. I’ve remover but this keeps coming back too.

Whats the permanent fix?

I don’t think you can delete the Energy dashboard, but you can stop it from appearing in the sidebar by long-pressing Home Assistant (top left), then clicking on the “X” next to it.

You’ll have to do this on each device you use to run the companion app, unfortunately. Other sidebar items can be deleted by going to Settings | Dashboards.

To get rid of the Power Supply integration, try deleting it then powering off the Raspberry Pi (not just restarting).

Thanks. I’ve clicked the X on the side bar and it keeps coming back. Same with the Ras Pi power checker.
Which is a shame because forcing people to have things when nearly everything else is customisable is kind of contradictory

Energy is automatically loaded if you have default_config defined in your yaml. To remove it, you have to explicitly define every other integration you need to load manually, then keep adding new integrations with each release.

No idea why the Power supply checker keeps appearing for you though. Did you maybe include it in your configuration.yaml?

Are you using a browser set to delete cookies on exit?

So youre saying that hiding this menu item isnt a system setting, but a change made to a view in the browser?

Yes. I use the custom sidebar integration because of this.

But removing an icon from the sidebar is not the same as uninstalling an integration. So if that is what you are after, then the other advices come into play.

Thayd what I want.

It turns out that this is “by design”

So another module that cant be removed.