Permission Denied error after trying to dowload FFmpeg component

Hello there !!! I need help with a PERMISSIONS DENIED error received after trying to download the FFmpeg component to my environment.
Here’s the error:

pi@hassbian:~ $ sudo echo “deb jessie-backports main” >> /etc/apt/sources.list
-bash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied

Do I need to have special permissions to download/install this package? Do I have to have an ftp account at debian backports ?

I am lost here, can you please help?

Take a look at this article and see if it helps. I had to update and add two different PGP keys to get Jessie backports to work.

This may help as well:

I really appreciate your help and response, but the error described in both of these articles is completely different than mine:

Both articles refer to a GPG error caused by the public keys used to download the packages not being validated.
The fact that both articles refer to a log error where the PUB_KEY to validate is included while my error does not include such key is also proof that we are talking about different issues.

In my case, I get a PERMISSIONS DENIED error way before attempting to download the package or pub key. So I am more inclined to think the error is local, permissions-related, maybe within Hassbian

The reason I mentioned it is that a permission denied error was exactly what I was getting from Webmin (Web UI Linux management interface) when I was trying to install the latest updated FFMPEG package from Backports. And as it turned out, it was denying permission to the install because it could not verify the installation - due to the changed PGP keys.

I think it still could be related, but I just moved your post into the HASSbian forums to see if anyone there has an idea.

Yes, I understand what you mean and really appreciate the help. Is just that I have no PUB_KEY to validate. Thank you again for your time.

I have this same issue as well today.

I have updates and upgraded Jessie, but thats now killed my MQTT Broker.

Post update / upgrade, Still getting Permission Denied errors

Good morning HA community,

Just in case this was not solved. I am using the AIO installer but should work all the same. Below are the steps I used to get this to work.

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the following text to the file.

deb Index of /debian jessie-backports main

Save and close
Then run,

sudo apt-get update

It will throw PGP errors, but this will give you the two error codes needed, as previously mentioned.

Run the following code for each no-key given during the update attempt but change the long string of digits to the code given

gpg --keyserver --recv-key 010908312D230C5F
gpg -a --export 010908312D230C5F | sudo apt-key add -

After each export (2nd code) it should give you okay. Then run sudo apt-get update again and it should work. I did an upgrade as well.

Yeah, I mentioned this same in my solution above (links show how), unfortunately the OP said it didn’t help him.

i tried doing all of this but when i try to install the key, i get gpg failed to start the dirmngr ‘/user/bin/dirmngr’: No such file or directory
So then i try to apt-get install dirmngr but i get Package dirmngr is not available but is referred to by another package.
What on earth do i do here? I’m having to install like 4 things just to get this to work.

Not sure if this helps, but if you’re trying to follow these instructions:

I found that with Raspbian Stretch you no longer have to use the backport. The version that comes with Stretch is equivalent to the Jesse backport, which you can see here:

So, just:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg