Persistent -wal and -shm files

Updated by PI 3 to 2021.5.5 so a database upgrading was required from 2021.4.3

After 24 hours I still have -wal and -shm files. My database (.db) in only 30 Mb so I am surprised the conversion has not completed yet.

-rw-r--r--    1 root     root        2.8M May 28 12:47 home-assistant_v2.db-wal
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       32.0K May 28 12:46 home-assistant_v2.db-shm
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root       29.5M May 28 12:32 home-assistant_v2.db

A recorder purge with repack reduced the history put did not clean up -wal and -shm files.
I did HA restart. The files disappear when disconnected and reappear when HA starts up again.
I even did a shutdown and re-powered. The -wal file starts small and then builds to about 3.2 Mb.
When will the db upgrade finish? Do I have to delete the .db file to reset the recorder?

That’s just how SQLite works: Temporary Files Used By SQLite

So SQLite is now working in “WAL” mode?
I should not expect the -wal and -shm files to disappear when database processing is complete as in the previous versions of HA?

(I will have add wal and -shm files to .gitignore)