Person Entity always says 'Home' Even when Away

Would really like some help on this as I cant seem to crack it.

My person.entity always says i’m in my Home zone even when I’m not.

I’ve defined my Home Zone
I’ve given my homeassistant app all the required access on my phone (s22+)

  • In fact, when I check my geocoded location on the app it tells me accurately where I am
    I’ve tried manually triggering Device Tracker:See

It always says I’m home even when I’m not and as a result I cant use my entity state for automation.

Any suggestions welcome

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I had this issue when I forgot to remove the HA App from my old phone - had me confused for a few hours. Not sure you have the same issue though - but worth checking.

Also make sure the device is on the person so to speak :


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Thanks for this - I double checked the devices which are being tracked and it was correct.

I also made sure to assign the right device to my person but no dice. It just says that the device itself is ‘Home’

Bizarrely when I added in my phones mac address manually to the person - it updated the location correctly as ‘away’

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Looks like I was wrong - its still not tracking the zone properly

Do you have multiple devices that you sign in with? This is especially common with secondary devices that stay home like PCs or Tablets…

From what I understand, if your person entity is linked to a user account (“Allow person to login” is selected in Settings > People > person menu) any device logged in with that user account will effect the person’s location. Stationary trackers like router or bluetooth-based integrations take precedence over GPS-based trackers.

I do have a tablet which I’m in the process of setting up as a dashboard and a phone which is a remote. Both devices are logged in of course.

Hhowever what I did is under the person entity i’ve only assigned my actual phone as the device to track. Unfortunately this didnt seem to do the trick.

If you have the option checked and are using the same login on the tablet as you use on your phone, it doesn’t matter what you manually assigned to the person entity. Device trackers that you removed will continue to affect the person entity as long as they use that login and you will likely see them added back to the list automatically on restart.

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Oh wow - I had no idea. I thought logic would dictate that if a device is not listed under ‘tracked devices’ it would not be tracked.

Thanks for this - I’ll create a different person entity for my home devices and give this a go.

They don’t need a person entity, just a user login… Settings > People > Users (top of page) > “+ Add User” or https://your.ha.ip/config/users

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Got it - will try that instead.


Unfortunately it didnt work. I added separate logins for the devices which stay at home but it’s still saying I’m in my Home Zone.

Wondering if there are any other suggestions.

I have the same problem.