I’m banging my head with a zone transition trigger that does not do what i expect.
So i made this simple trigger to test the trigger
- id: _test_zona
initial_state: True
alias: _TEST Zona
- platform: state
entity_id: person.lorenzo
- service: notify.telegram
title: 'TEST'
message: >
From: '{{trigger.from_state.state}}' - To:
This sends a message to my telegram every time the state changes (even if the zone is the same).
I expected to see only messages with different “from” and “to” , because the state chages means the person changed zone
but i got the opposite. 99% of my messages are with the same from and to. For example, when i exit home (leaving home zone and entering ‘home_street’ zone) , i get a message with "from: home_stree to:home_street. Same when i get home, leaving not_home and enterning home_street. I got "from home_street to home street. I know that i can filter out those with a simple != condition, but the point is that, in one full day of me traveling around the city and getting home several times, only ONE time i got a from: different to the to:. I’m missing hundred of triggers entering and exiting known zones.
Anyone knows why?