Person entity state capitalization

I have a person entity for myself and my wife. On my person entity the state is capitalized (“Home” instead of “home”). On my wife’s person entity the states are not capitalized. I have a binary sensor that checks if someone is home, this was messing that up. I was able to patch it, but I’d prefer to fix the issue with the states. Does anyone know how to fix this?

  ##See if anyone is home -
  - platform: template
        friendly_name: Is Someone Home
        icon_template: >-
          {% if is_state('binary_sensor.someone_home','on') %}
          {% else %}
          {% endif %}
        value_template: "{{ is_state('person.xxxxx_phillips','Home') or  is_state('person.xxxxxx_phillips','home') }}"

What is setting the state of “Home” with a capital?

The default entities will set the state to “home” so there must be something other than the default device trackers causing the state of home to be capitalized.

But maybe I’m missing something?

in your screenshot you didn’t show you as “Home”. You showed you as being at “…Work”. that state will be set by a non-default device tracker or special zone that is somewhere other than “home”.

For example, if I’m home my state is “home” but if I’m in any other defined zone the state will be whatever the zone name is even if it is capitalized.

So maybe you are being set to “Home” by another zone named “Home” that is different from your “home” zone defined in your on-boarding set up?

Ah! Thanks for the help. I’ll bet it is because in my life360 app my home is labeled “Home” and I use the Life360 entity for my person. I just changed it to “home” in the life360 app to see if that does it (once I get home). Thanks!

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Well, I was kind of correct. Home assistant wasn’t using my Life360 “Home” area but I had created a zone in HA and named it “Home”. Changing that to “home” fixed it. But, I’m still not sure why it was always “home” for my wife’s person but not mine. :thinking:

I guess I’m not sure why you needed to create another specific home zone since HA automatically creates one for you during onboarding. (…I think it does at least…)