Person picture

Hi there,

Just updated to 0.88 and tried out the person component. Seems to work well (pretty much like a group with the device trackers?). However, both my device trackers have an image, but neither show once I show the person with those two device trackers.

Can we force this, or simply use the latest update source from a person?

I understand that just the basic functionality was introduced at this time.
From Release Notes: “This release does basic device tracker state merging, which will be evolved in the future. Device trackers merging their own states will be phased out in favor of persons.”

yea, I tried to overwrite in customize.yaml to no avail…

It worked fine for me. I changed it in the customization section in the ui. Added entity_picture at the bottom and added a link for each person to a picture, like this.



yea, that did it… nice one :+1:

anyone managed to use local files as entity_picture? The entry I used for device_tracker doesn’t work for Persons: /local/profile_square_small.png , which is a file inside config/www

Yes, also via the ui as mentioned above.

I have used double quotes, like this


I also used local picture via entiry ui

Yes, this works.
Also, make sure you use entity_picture and not entity_pictures :roll_eyes:

Yes it works with entity_picture and double quoted local files.

But Im using the person as a badge in lovelace and it doesn’t show the state anymore only picture. Other device tracker badges includes a small state indicator in the lower part of the circle but the person badge only shows as the picture.

Is this the expected result?

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Patrik - (weird to spell my name without a c)
I too am trying to figure this out.
Here is a snip of my customize ui from the config menu.
I am running the latest hassio on a ubuntu 18.04 desktop image on intel nuc.
One of the weird things that happens when i put the data in as you suggest above (screenshot one) is that when I refresh to have changes to effect and look at the entry (cos no piccy shows) I see the hassio has added extra backslashes and quotation marks in the json formatting?? (screenshot two)

I am obviously doing something quite wrong - and knowing me most likely simple.
One question - when going into customize entity - I have created an other field where I put all this. Is that right?

And bingo - it was something simple. When I looked at the picture file attributes I noticed that the jpg file is patrick.JPG - case sensitive doh!!!